Intern, Auckland - 30 Jan 2024
Firstly, I feel that it is quite essential that you do your background research before applying to any company for an internship or a graduate role - both in the public or private sector. Do not only research information on the company's website itself, but also look into press releases that involved that specific company, or the industry they operate in. As the FMA is a regulatory government entity, they do release frequent publications regarding misconduct, or misrepresentation, or other crimes and events that were published in the ffinancial markets. Really understand what the company is about, what their industry is about, and think about the problems they are trying to solve and how they would solve them. To follow on, secondly, preparing your answers well for general and popular interview questions will save you a lot of hassle on the day. When you have researched different news or publications that involved the company you are applying for, or the industry the company is involved in, you can use some of these events in your interview answers, which really helped me in my interview. Preparing for generic interview questions are also key, as you are able to answer questions more smoothly, and nicely if you have planned what you will say. Picking a nice outfit also really helps, not that anyone said anything about what I wore, but event if the meeting is virtual, you should dress as if they are right in the room - professional.
Intern, Auckland - 30 Jan 2024
I think you need to make sure that you are prepared to answer questions that are relevant to the role you are applying for. If you can have a high-level conversation about your subject area, then you will be a hard candidate to look past.
Intern, Wellington - 30 Jan 2024
First and foremost be yourself. While they are looking for someone to fill the role, they are also looking for someone who is their own unique person. Second of all is don't be afraid to demonstrate everything you have done. Don't feel like you're bragging. Finally in an interview make sure you connect with the person interviewing you. Make conversation and get to know your employer just as much as they are getting to know you.
Intern, Wellington - 29 Jan 2024
I would recommend that candidates have strong reasons why they want to work in the public sector and experience that they can discuss in regard to times when they have contributed to the community.
Intern, Wellington - 29 Jan 2024