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Diversity at Transgrid

8.9 rating for Diversity, based on 19 reviews
Please provide further information on diversity with respect to women, ethnic minorities and LGBT. Please comment on issues such as recruitment, retention, promotion, child care, maternity leave, etc.
Very good maternity/paternity leave for staff and retention rate is higher than usual with many staff being with Transgrid for 10-20 years
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Dec 2023
Most parts of the company are very interested in increasing their diversity. Recent hiring practices reflect this desire.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Nov 2023
There seems to be a fairly diverse range of staff who are hired into this company, although I cannot speak for retention- not so much based on ethnicity or gender or sexuality, but more for personality. I have found that of the 3 grads we have lost so far (from a cohort of around 20) they were all on the slightly quieter or less-EQ strong side, which I am unhappy about. In terms of female and ethnic representation I am quite pleased, with females reaching even our higher EGM levels, and with the LGBTQI+ community there is a network called Rise internally at the company which is quite active and well-received. Maternity and paternity leave is very freely given, and speaking to a few staff who have had other personal issues arise during their time at Transgrid, they have all stated that the company has been very supportive of them throughout.
Graduate, Canberra - 09 Nov 2023
Very diverse.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Oct 2023
This is an incredibly positive space. There are committees for diversity, gender equity and supporting the lgbtqia+ community with working groups carrying out work throughout the year. Parental leave covers the same amount of time for men and women.
Parental leave for men.
There is awareness training and various social groups to help make people feel included. RISE allies group is a relatively new group dedicated to improving the culture for LGBTQI+ and to make Transgrid a safe place. There are progressive leave types for parents (mothers and fathers) and DV leave. I will cavet that I am not a minority so I won't be able to fully identify where the workplace lacks but I do know that there is a ways to go for Transgrid to be fully inclusive.
What does your company do to attract applicants from less privileged backgrounds?
Offer scholarships to university students and apprenticeships to high school students.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Dec 2023
Scholarships, regional campuses, training/apprenticeships
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Nov 2023
There appear to be several programs directed towards students in more rural/regional areas, which I guess is possible as our company has major depots in 6 different regions in NSW (Wagga, Yass, Metro, Newcastle, Orange, Tamworth). I will say however that this does seem to be directed more at trades students, rather than university/engineering students.
Graduate, Canberra - 09 Nov 2023
Clubs and societies free to access for anyone.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Oct 2023
Transgrid has a wide range of opportunities for applicants and many current employees come from a wide range of backgrounds.