Justin [00:00:00] Would you be able to give me like a high and a low for new grads coming in and working in a Downer?
Ryan [00:00:06] Yeah, I think...It's extremely fulfilling to see what you're working on come to life in front of your eyes. So I think that high element is that you're watching be built in front of your eyes and knowing that you're playing a part in doing that. You know, you're not sitting behind a desk and designing all day and then saying, "Well, maybe this will come into fruition in however long" or all the rest of it. You're watching it get built in front of you and you're making decisions and using your engineering judgment on the day to day right there. I think the low is probably it can feel sometimes like there's a lot of pressure on you to make the decisions and there's a lot of stress from the fact that you may not know the information. And I think to reassure that there's a network of people that are there to support you, but you've got to ask the questions. And if you are ever struggling to not know what to do, it's okay to say, I actually don't feel comfortable making this decision. Let me just go and talk with somebody and I'll come back to you with an answer. But when you work in a hig- pressure, high kind of performance-based situation, it's very difficult. Sometimes it feels like you have to make a decision now because something is waiting on it and it's okay to actually step away from that and consult. And that actually is a real testament to you as a young graduate, about your ability to say, I'm out of my comfort zone right now. I'm going to go and consult and then I'm going to come back and give you the answer, knowing that I have I've checked that side of things.